All Search is Local
How do I get my website to rank on Google for local search?
After your site is built, the first thing we want to address is Local Search.

If you don’t rank locally in search engines, how could you rank in a broader demographic? We’ve got to get our sites established in search for digital to work.
When we build your website, we help you complete this work, so you get found in search. And local is the battleground.
Google Maps and Business Profile
You search for something on Google.
The map and all that other info about a business is your Google Business Profile. If this is news to you, we need to bring you up to speed.
Your business profile is your secret weapon. We encourage everyone to get familiar with this free tool from Google, because it’s the first step to digital marketing that works.
Many businesses have a Google Maps profile, but few fill in all the blanks. Every field informs search engines who you are, what you do, and where you do it.
Please, right now, take a few minutes, and work on your business profile, because, this matters and local search begins here.
Google Maps is the key to being found in local search. And your business profile informs Maps.
This of this as a social media channel and spend time on it, every month. Craft perfect images and graphics, fill in every detail, choose the best main category and great additional ones, but stay focused.
Google Reviews
Google Maps also shows Reviews. We help our clients craft a strategy to encourage your fans to give you positive reviews. Like social media, this is a 2-way communications channel.
When you get a bad review, you need to respond, and if you can, make it right with this person. Why? Because they can change their response. And every negative review lowers your rating.
A Free Exercise for your local search

Take 2 minutes and try this
- Go to Google
- Type in, “What you do,” and then, “near me”.
If you’re an Estate Planner, type in, “Estate Planner near me”. - Click “search”.
- Now, look at the results.
If you’re not listed, then you need help.
Once you appear in this search, then we can get to work. Until you do, save your advertising dollars and pause your marketing campaigns, until we get this right.
The good news is, your Google Business Profile and listing in Maps is the key to getting started.
Local is under attack
If all search is local, then how do big, enterprise, companies beat us? The answer is advertising—and they pay millions of dollars to reach your prospects and customers. They’re winning, because most local business doesn’t even try to get listed.
Once you compete, you raise the stakes, and because you are local, it’s easier for you to win—but, you have to compete.
National and international corporations want your local market share. They’re after your leads, and if you aren’t engaged in Digital marketing, then you need to get busy.
If you’re seeing decline in your sales, someone is taking your market share.

Continuous Promotion keeps you in the mind of your audience.
GreenDev puts all the pieces together
so your business can thrive online.